RH Logistique et Services is an Ivorian company operating in import-export by sea, air, rail and road . Our company is  specialized in general cargo, perishable goods, mining and oilfield equipment, but also in the transportation of goods between countries by road.
Our ambition is to bring a new look to the overall logistics of your business. The objective is to help you to control costs and deadlines for export or import in order to be more competitive on your local or international market. For this, we put at your disposal some professional managers with years of experience and dedicated sales representatives who will assist you throughout your process.

Thus, whether you are at your first commercial activity or expert, you benefit from our expertise at all times heading you to have a clearer and broader vision of all the stakeholders, the costs and delay that your activity could generate.

RH Logistique et Services wants to be a modern company that listens to you by providing you with appropriate solutions adapted to your activity. It is subdivided into two entities "RH Logistique" and "RH Services". RH Logistique supports you in your logistics activity while RH Services is focused on providing services related to the search for international suppliers who will best meet your needs in terms of cost and quality.

We will be very happy to count you among those who have and continue to trust us. Do not hesitate to contact us.

*Check our Code of Ethics

The Head Manager

Assemien Roxan